Whenever individuals are preparing for their exams, many tend to focus on what to study for rather than what items they should or should not bring on the day of the exam. Oftentimes, the necessary items are left in the back burner and individuals scamper about to find the things they need the night before or the day of and many things are left forgotten which a handful of individuals wish they would’ve had the chance to bring. In this article, the focus will solely be on items that the Law Society will be allowing into the exam area on the day of the examination rather than the content of the exam itself.
What are permitted in the Testing Area:
On the day of the Paralegal Licensing Exam, there are certain things that are permitted into the Testing Areas. These include the following items:
- Items provided by the Law Society: exam booklet, Scantron sheet, two pencils, a highlighter, a calculator, and an eraser.
- Study materials (Law Society or other), dictionaries, books, and notes (bound or loose), as long as they don’t contain Exam Content or Prohibited Items.
- Binder rings, cerlox bindings, or binders for organizing materials.
- A disposable bag for carrying materials, which must not be luggage or have internal pockets.
- One additional clothing item (sweater, blazer, cardigan, wrap, or hooded sweatshirt) besides regular clothing and eyeglasses without Prohibited Items.
- Non-alcoholic beverages in transparent, resealable plastic containers.
- One Storage Bag for these items:some text
- ID
- Food in original or clear wrapping
- Hygiene products
- Medication in clear packaging
- Tissues (loose or in clear wrap)
- Wallet with only money, no paper items
- Keys
- Foam earplugs (approved by Proctor)
- Unused sticky notes and notepaper
What are NOT permitted in the Testing Area:
On the other hand, the following items are not permitted into the Testing Area:
- Devices that can photograph, record, or transmit information (e.g., phones, cameras, audio recorders).
- Mechanical, electronic, or digital devices like computers, USB keys, tablets, pagers, calculators (except the one provided), e-readers, headsets, MP3 players, radios.
- Watches, stopwatches, or electronic bracelets.
- Luggage, such as backpacks, handbags, purses, suitcases, and briefcases.
- Writing supplies (pens, pencils, erasers, highlighters) except those provided by the Law Society.
- Unauthorized exam materials or sources.
- Any document that appears to be an unauthorized source or contains exam questions, answers, or practice questions.
- Props like copyholders, clipboards, or rulers.
- Food (unless stored in the permitted Storage Bag).
- Glass containers.
- Weapons or sharp objects (e.g., firearms, knives, box cutters).
- Outerwear like coats, hats, gloves (except for Religious Attire).
Must-haves and must-dos on the day of the P1 Licensing Exam:
In respect to the licensing examination, candidates must:
- Arrive early to complete screening before the exam starts (late arrivals won’t get extra time).
- Follow all registration and screening procedures.
- Be seated and ready to listen to announcements thirty (30) minutes before the exam start time.
- Keep Proper Identification visible on your desk throughout the exam.
- Store any allowed garment under your seat when not in use.
- Remove all paper (except money) from your wallet before entering the Testing Area.
- Remove religious or medical head coverings if requested to confirm your identity.
- Follow all exam rules and policies.
- Comply with Proctors' instructions before, during, and after the exam.
- Treat Proctors and other candidates with respect.
- Answer Proctors’ questions honestly.
- Allow Proctors or the Law Society to inspect your personal items for prohibited items if requested.
- Keep your Storage Bag under your chair at all times unless otherwise permitted.
- Raise your hand if you need something from your Storage Bag, need a garment, or need to use the restroom. Wait for a Proctor’s assistance.
- Mark answers on the Scantron sheet provided by the Law Society.
- Report to the Law Society if you become aware of any unauthorized exam material or its use by others.
What to avoid during the P1 Licensing Exam:
And as much as possible, avoid engaging in actions such as:
- Providing false information or impersonating someone during the exam process.
- Letting someone else take the exam for you or taking the exam for someone else.
- Copying or attempting to copy any part of the exam content.
- Recording, photographing, or transmitting any information inside the exam site.
- Communicating about the exam content with anyone.
- Sharing or receiving exam answers or materials with other candidates.
- Using unauthorized materials or devices during the exam (e.g., phones, watches, unauthorized documents).
- Copying or sharing another candidate’s work during the exam.
- Not following Proctor instructions or being disrespectful to Proctors or candidates.
- Accessing personal items, like a Storage Bag, without permission during the exam.
- Wearing or using prohibited clothing items, such as hoods (except Religious Attire).
- Consuming distracting or strong-smelling food during the exam.
- Removing unauthorized items from the Testing Area.
- Engaging in any action that compromises the security or integrity of the exam.
My final thoughts
It's easy to leave certain items for last-minute packing, but it’s always wise to double-check what the LSO permits in the exam area. Knowing the dos and don'ts helps examinees make the most of everything allowed within the premises.
On the day of the P1 exam, many people make the mistake of bringing too much into the testing area and losing their items in the process. Other examinees become too paranoid to bring any of their items in fear that it may get confiscated. In order to make the best of the given materials prior to the P1 Exam, examinees are encouraged to double check what they are able to bring into the testing area.